Kids are more emotional than adults. They don’t have the same filtering mechanisms as us, and having very little or no experience managing those feelings can make it challenging for them to deal with them . This blog will provide you with some tips on helping your child deal with their emotions.
Before we teach kids how to manage emotions, children must understand emotions. Knowing what it’s like to feel sad and happy. Being able to name the emotions and what causes them are important social emotional skills that children can be taught at a young age.
Now that we have the foundation, we can begin teaching management strategies.
Create a safe space
Creating a safe space where children can go to express their feelings in a positive way is important. This is a good way to validate emotions and implement positive strategies to show these emotions. The space should be cozy with lots of pillows, stuffed animals, bean bags etc. Be sure to include mirrors, sensory bottles, books, bubbles, play dough or anything else your child likes. Implementing the use of a safe space takes consistent focus. With consistency children will begin to go to the safe space on their own and rejoin the group when they are ready.
Spend quality time together
Once a child has calmed down, join them in the safe space. This is a moment to teach your little one ways to calm down when upset. There will be many options for things to do read, use play dough, blow bubbles etc. During this time get to the root of the problem, ask questions, give hugs and get reconnected.
Positive Reinforcement
When your child utilizes the safe space voluntary or involuntarily, praise them for making a good choice. This is a great time to read a story with a character that shares the same feeling as your child, talk about how they handled it. Use your own real life examples.
Model Healthy Behavior
Children are always watching. Be sure to model healthy expression of your own emotions. Let your little one see you write or listen to your favorite song. When you can connect with your child in this way they are learning organically.
When children learn healthy ways to express emotions, they become adults that express their emotions in healthy ways. Have you ever tried a safe space?